Briefing Notes for Competitors
A. Pre-Event
The Measurement Team will be based at the Lyme Regis Boatbuilding Academy where the OKDIA hull jig, hull weight load cell, sail checking table, centerboard and rudder templates and spar measurement bench will be set up. The Boatbuilding Academy is located a short distance West of the harbour and boat park.
1 During the measurement and registration period you are free to check your equipment and members of the measurement team will be on hand to assist and advise.
2 You will be required to apply event limitation marks to those items of your equipment that are limited by the class and/or event rules. Sails will be inspected and stamped by the measurement team.
3 Prior to registration for the event your boat will be inspected and signed off by the measurement team, including any corrector weights and specific safety items ( rudder security, mast security, towline, PFD).
The Measurement Desk will be at the Boatbuilding Academy and manned for the duration of the measurement period.
You commence the equipment control process by collecting your event limitation stickers from the Measurement Desk.
Application instructions will be published. Measurers will be on hand to advise.
Your sails must be taken to the Academy for checking and stamping with their event limitation mark.
Selected hulls must be taken to the Academy for checking in the OKDIA jig. It is normal to check the two most recent hulls from each builder and any one-off builds that have not previously been checked and passed.
A timetable for the jig checks will be drawn up and communicated to the competitors involved.
Having completed equipment limitation marking You must return your spare stickers to the measurement desk. A measurer will then inspect your boat in the boat park including safety items.
On successful inspection you will be issued your wrist band and be able to register for the event at the registration desk in the club.
B. During Racing
Boats will be subject to regular scrutiny when ashore.
Some boats will be checked after each day’s racing (normally picked by pre-selected race positions). Post-race checking is at the discretion of the measurement team.
Measurers may be on the water to check boats pre-race and post-race
Sails must be measured and correctly certified ( dated, signed and/or stamped ) before being presented for checking at the event.
They must have their OK license label in place and carry the correct sail number.
Measurement bands must all be clearly marked. The whole of the top of the mast must be a painted a single contrasting colour.
The stop at the boom band must be secure. It will be tested by pulling the outhaul control as hard as possible.
Does not include the mainsheet.
Does not include the compass (unless screwed or glued in place )
Correctors must be permanently fixed as shown in the Class Rules.
Wing Nuts are not acceptable
Must be the right length and must be floating line.
Must not be stowed in a bouyancy tank.
The centreboard must not be capable of exceeding a maximum 800mm extension below the keel at any time. ( Class Rule C.7.3.)